Wondering-graphic organizers
Below are some examples of the graphic organizers I used for my topic of scrapbooking. I first completed the free-write and then used it to complete the charts since I had never done a graphic organizer. I did 3 graphic organizers so that I could become familiar with the process. (*These charts and graphic organizers were found on websites for teachers. This should meet one of my ‘additional requirements’ –web-based tool. )
I did not actually complete a Mind Map for the questioning process but was impressed with the step-by-step on how to complete one found at http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/units/insects/mindmap.html. Tony Buzan recommends this type of mapping for note taking (Callison pgs. 139-142) and I may use it once I get to the next stages of the process. I also think having step-by step directions for students to follow when completing graphic organizers will make searching less frustrating for them.
**If you double click on graphic organizer examples they will open and be much easier to read**
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